This is also all you will need to play the hack. Memhack, PCsx2 and an Iso/Bin of gauntlet dark legacy. Anything to give me a fun challenge with it. For the longest, I hoped that someone would pick up this game and just do some kind of remake or hack for it. Heck, I even went so far as to load up 4 characters for each stage, kill off 3, and then keep going thru each stage without picking the quit game option for the other characters (meaning the difficulty still acts like 4 people are playing it and ramps it up a LOT). Even on the hardest setting, the only challenges were the underworld, the 2nd Skorne fight and maybe Garm. Sadly, the home versions of the game are just too damn easy.

And with Emulators nowadays, playing it on PCSX2 makes it look HD. In particular, the PS2 version was like the PREMIUM version of the game. The game was designed to be a quarter eater: making the owners cash. The problem is, as much as I liked the difficulty, it was too unbalanced. Spending probably about $50 each time beating it. I would spend hours in the arcades playing it and actually beat the entire arcade version 6 times. Gauntlet Dark Legacy is one of my all time favorite games. Now onto the point of this thread: Gauntlet Dark Legacy! A blog can be found here with all progress: Since the switch to Unity progress has been smooth and amazing and I can finally seen an eventual end to it. It went from being a dirty hack in a psx cheat code app, to a memhack hack, to being remade in game maker, then got switched over to unit圓d 2 years ago. For those who don't know I've been busy remaking Castlevania: SOTN in unity for some time now. The unified attack capabilities, combined with a full arsenal of unique weapons, dozens of secret codes and passwords that access alternate characters and effects, provide for an incredible variety of intense attack options during critical battles.Hey, everyone. There are even special unified attack combo moves that players can activate by working together. This variety adds new strategic elements to the game, especially when players are working together to play off each other's strengths. The Knight uses a sword like the Valkyrie, the Sorceress uses magic like the Wizard, the Dwarf is a hammer-flinging fiend with awesome strength and the Jester can strategically lob bombs at his enemies. This game is very similar to the previous game Gauntlet Legends except the players can each choose to be up to eight different characters instead of just four although the game can only have up to four players.Besides the Warrior, the Valkyrie, the Wizard and the Archer, the four newest player characters include the Knight, the Sorceress, the Dwarf and the Jester.Each of the new characters have distinct characteristics and fighting styles.